We would like to invite families of P1-7 children from Our Lady's RC Primary School to be part of the 'Best Foot Foward' Programme which will run at the school on Thursdays 3-4.30pm for 8 weeks from 2 May. This Programme is a partnership between the NHS and Active Schools.

Best Foot Forward is for the whole family. It aims to give each person confidence to explore their household routine and make positive changes for their family's future health.

The sessions are interactive and include information and advice around healthy lifestyles, as well as the opportunity for the whole family to take part in some fun activities, meet new people and share ideas.

The sessions will cover topics such as: portion sizes, fussy eating, Child Smile, eating well on the go, sleep and screen time.  Each session will include a fun family sports activity and a 'Take Home Your Tea' bag for each family which includes a recipe card and ingredients.

If your family would like to take part, please email Joy Cameron, Active Schools Coordinator, jcameron@liveactive.co.uk by no later than Thursday 25 April stating:
  1. your name & mobile number
  2. your child's/children's name and class
  3. any medical conditions (including food allergies)/additional support needs we should be aware of (children and adults)

Please contact Joy if you have any questions.